Intaglio Prints
Social Traps: Incised Realities through Drypoint Printmaking.

Social Traps: Incised Realities through Drypoint Printmaking.

The print highlights the issue of social Traps of our generation how easily we get trapped in them, and how they shape our perception. There are many times when our social perception and observation have failed us. We tend to take mental shortcuts when trying to make sense of our social world. As a result, we are prone to make errors in our mental processing.

Social perception refers to identifying and utilizing social cues to make judgments about social roles, rules, context, or the characteristics of others. This domain also includes social knowledge, which refers to one’s knowledge of social roles, norms, and surrounding social situations and interactions.

People learn about others’ feelings and emotions by picking up information they gather from physical appearance, verbal, and nonverbal communication. Facial expressions, tone of voice, hand gestures, or movement are a few examples of ways people communicate without words. Observations serve as the raw data of social perception and are an interplay of three sources, persons, situations, and behavior. These sources are used as evidence to support a person’s impression or inference about others.

The Artwork is created with the drypoint printmaking process, an intaglio technique. In drypoint printmaking, artists create an image by scratching or engraving lines directly into a metal or plastic plate using a sharp, pointed tool. Drypoint prints are known for their rich, textured lines and distinctive, expressive quality.

Medium | Drypoint Printmaking | Intaglio printing.

Size | 6inches x 6inches.

Social Traps: Incised Realities through Drypoint Printmaking.
Social Traps: Incised Realities through Drypoint Printmaking.
Social Traps: Incised Realities through Drypoint Printmaking.

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